Our Tenant’s Daughter (Episode 3/7)

By | September 13, 2018

The silence that possessed the room after the nod of approval was by kind courtesy of shyness. Where it came from, I cannot tell. I stood there soaked in my own sweat, lacking motivation to take a bite at the pinky meat I’ve so desired. My tenant’s daughter, Beryl, gazed at me with impatient eyes. I knew I had bitten more than I could chew and it’s either a spit it out and she run or chew it fully and swallow. I went for the latter.

With diplomatic movements, I adjusted her head with my right hand to lower the centre of gravity due to difference in height. Then I curled my left hand around her waist before fitting my lips perfectly on hers. She went in immediately for my lower lip and sucked it with her eyes closed. I took a closer look at her and admired her dimple.

My left hand was still fixed around her waist but I wished I could do more, I wished I could touch more than her waist. She rolled her tongue through my diastema and rubbed her tongue against mine. That gesture sent pleasure through my spine and I held her closer, pressing on tightly at the pelvic region. She sighed a sign of pleasure and raised her leg on the plastic chair to expose her spotless thigh without wrinkles or stretch marks.

At this point, I was fully convinced she wasn’t a novice at playing this game. A sense of shame flashed through my mind as I numbered the hair on her thighs with my fingers in a romantic rhythm.

“What part of the Accounting or Core Maths syllabus are we treating currently?” A still small voice echoed in my mind but I rebuked it and continued with my student. I wanted more but my gentle soul won’t allow me to explore further. I had a mouthful of tongue, and my sausage was already frying in hot oil.

The final hug was promising, with the note, “See you tomorrow” written all over it. I winked at her and she replied with a smile of appreciation. For my tutorial or romance? Maybe both.

Just as our elders say, “he who goes to sleep with itching anus will wake up with smelly fingers,” the rest of my day after leaving Beryl’s was a scrotum-ache for me. I struggled in vain to get her out of my mind but to no avail. Twice, I went out with the plan to go back to her place to finish what we’ve started. Wait! Won’t it be too much for our first class? I decided to wait at least for the next day to see what she will offer me. If she doesn’t offer the red apple after a week, I will find a way to demand my wages in kind.

A knock on my door interrupted my thoughts.

“Who is it?”

“Teacher, it’s me oooo.”

That’s my tenant’s voice.

“Oh, mum, please I’m coming ooo.”

I immediately regretted calling her mum. Isn’t that a recipe for brother-zoning?


“Oh, I just got back from the shop and Beryl told me you came around today to help her with her studies. I hope she’s picking up?”

“Oh yeah. We did some assessments today and so far I’m impressed. Just a few touches and she’ll be good for the exams,” I lied. She scored 13/40 in the Core Maths objective test.

“Thank you, my son. I’m so grateful. Here is something for you.”

She handed a basket to me. Oh God, will I eat this woman’s food and eat her daughter on top? The shame was back on my mind.

“Thank you very much, auntie,” I said.

“Oh don’t mention. Can I pay a university graduate to come and teach myself daughter? And yes, I will get you a cane. If she fools, cane her.”

I smiled back. “No need for a cane; I already have a natural cane with two stones to do the ‘disciplining’,” I said to myself.

…to be continued.


Disclaimer: The people in the attached picture are not in anyway related to the story.

Check Out

Our Tenant’s Daughter Episode 1/7
Our Tenant’s Daughter Episode 2/7
Our Tenant’s Daughter Episode 3/7
Our Tenant’s Daughter Episode 4/7


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